Saturday 28 December 2019

CBSE SST-History (Window On The World) Chapter 7- solved question answer

Chapter 7- New Ideas an New Beliefs solved question with answer

A. choose the correct answer

1. The Upanishads were composed in:
a. Pali
b. Tamil
c. Sanskrit
d. Maithili

2. Karma is a belief in:
a. life after death
b. the Universal soul
c. every action causing a reaction
d. freedom from the circle of birth and death

3. The Buddha delivered his first sermon at:
a. kashi
b. Bodh Gaya
c. Sarnath
d. Kushinagar

4. The group of Buddhists who worshiped the Buddha like a god were called:
a. digambar
b. Hinayana
c. Mahayana
d. svetambara

B. Fill in the blanks.

1. The Upanishads are also known as the vedanta
2. The Upanishads advocated faith in Brahman meaning the Universal Soul.
3. Mahavira was the last of the 24 tirthankaras.
4. Mahavira was also known as Jina or conqueror of Passions.
5. Siddhartha Gautama attained enlightenment at Bodh Gaya in Bihar.
6. The Buddhist prayer hall in called chaitya.

C. Answer in one or two sentences.

1. What is the meaning of the word Upanishad?
Ans: The word 'Upanishad' literally means 'to sit down beside'. Thus, Upanishads are a complication to teaching that were orally transmitted to students while they sat at the feet of their teachers.

2. Who is tirthankara?
Ans: In a Jain tradition, one of 24 enlightened spiritual masters who preach the righteous path is called tirhankara.

3. What does term ahimsa mean?
Ans: Ahimsa means non-violence and abstain from killing or injuring other living beings.

4. How could a person attain nirvana according to Mahavira?
Ans: According to Mahavira a person could attain nirvana by following the three-fold path or right belief, right knowledge and right conduct.

5. Which are the countries to which Buddhism spread from India?
Ans: The countries to which Buddhism spread from India are China, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia, Tibet and Myanmar.

D. Answer in a paragraph.

1. What were the main reasons for the growth of new religions like Buddhism and Jainism?
Ans: The main reasons for the growth of new religions like Buddhism and Jainism was the religious unrest in India in the 6th century B.C. Other than the religious factor, social and economic factors also contributed to the rise of these two religions.

2. What were the Upanishads? What did they tech?
Ans: The Upanishads are the final part, and the essence, of the Vedas, and hence they are also known as 'Vedanta'.

The main teaching of the Upanishads are
  1. belief in the Law of karma or the belief that every action has a reaction. 
  2. belief in Samsara or the cycle of birth, death and rebirth. 
  3. belief in Moksha or freedom from the eternal circle of birth and death. 
  4. belief in the Atman or the individual soul. 
  5. faith in Brahman or the Universal Soul.
3. What were the main teaching of Mahavira? Why did Jainism decline?
Ans: The main teaching of Mahavira was
1.attainment of nirvana or freedom from the cycle of birth, life and death.
2. rejected the caste system and preached that everyone was equal.
3. believed in ahimsa and spoke aour against animal sacrifices.
4. rejected the worship of gods and goddesses and the rituals of the Vedic religion.

4. What are the four noble truths? What is the eight-fold path? Why is it called the middle path?
Ans: The four noble truths are:
1. Suffering exists in our lives.
2. The main cause of our suffering is desire.
3. It is possible to end suffering.
4. In order to end suffering and control desire, one should follow the eight-fold path.

The Buddhist teaching of the means of attaining Nirvana through rightness of belief, resolve, speech, action, livelihood, effort, thought, and meditation is known as eight-fold path.

The eight-fold path taught a life of moderation, with neither extremes of luxury nor of sacrifice that's why its called the middle path.

5. What was the Sangha? What was its role in the spread of Buddhism?
Ans: Sangha is an organisation or oder established by Gautama Buddha to preserve and spread his teaching

The Buddha did not appoint any successor, but the members of the Sangha and his followers apread the religion to various parts of India, and beyond it to China, Japan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Indonesia Tibet and Myanmar which leads to the spread of Buddhism.

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